Are you interested in exercise? A shocking news awaits you!

Are you interested in exercise?  A shocking news awaits you!

 The results of a study show that cigarette smokers directly damage the flesh of the body.

 The study concludes that smoking reduces the number of small blood vessels that bring in oxygen and nutrients in the leg muscles.

Smoking weakens one's muscles and destroys the lungs.  This habit limits the person's ability to smoke.  This study suggests that smoking activity limits exercise.

The findings of this study suggest that ... cigarette smoking is a direct cause of damage to the muscles, reducing the activity in the blood vessels, reducing the amount of oxygen and nutrients in the body.  In addition, it is also a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as infectious pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes.

 The University of California, San Diego University, and Federal University, Rio de Janeiro and the University of Kochi, have been conducting this study for 8 weeks.

  According to the study, there are over 4000 chemicals in cigarettes that cause body damage.  The study's lead researcher Ellen prin He said, "Tobacco cigarettes using the whole body from harmful effects that, for the show is important. Daily life for the major muscle groups, including and induced damage prevention strategies to make cigarette smoke harmful  Electrical Components. "  He also mentioned.


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