Good news for coffee lovers .....Is coffee good for health ?

Research has shown that we can consume up to 25 cups of coffee daily and this is not a risk to the body!

Research has shown that we can consume up to 25 cups of coffee daily and this is not a risk to the body!

 There is one good news for coffee lovers.  Coffee has many good things to ask about, but it also contains some good things.  Whether we have a stress at work, a headache, or a boredom, what immediately comes to mind is whether to drink a cup of coffee.  This way we can fit all the moments of life with coffee.  However, the question of whether coffee is good for our body has long been raised.

 Previously, drinking coffee was thought to cause heart disease.  It was previously thought that the blood-tightening vessels that hold the respiratory air to the heart would tighten and cause a sudden heart attack.  Yet, millions of people drink coffee every day.  In response, the University of South Australia in Austria has conducted a study on how many cups of coffee a day can drink.

By the end of the study, 'the higher the amount of caffeine in the coffee, the higher the blood pressure.  High blood pressure is a major cause of heart disease.  Drinking too much coffee will increase your risk of heart disease by 22 percent.  The Queen Mary University of London surveyed 8,000 people.  When analyzed in one cup of coffee drinkers, up to three cups of drinks, many times, coffee has no effect on anyone's body.


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