Tips to get rid of hair fall !!!

You should first focus on the water used for the hair.  Hot water is not suitable for hair growth.  Avoid bathing in warm water on the summit sun.

The shampoo and chemical shampoo we choose does not benefit hair growth at all.  So try to use chemical-free natural ingredients like chickpea, aloe, copper and vendian to keep the body refreshed without any side effects.

Do not use hair dryers to dry hair.  Gently start with a thin cloth.  Do not use electricity for any reason.

Sleep is very important.  Deep sleeping and nutritious food are both essential for hair growth.  Use a thin cotton pillow cover.

 Wet hair should not be tied or tightened.  This will cause the tendon to break.  We need to keep the oil bathing regularly as used by our ancestors.

 Too much sun and too much dust can affect hair growth.  So it's best to avoid as much as possible.

Keep the body clean and healthy without causing constipation and indigestion.  You should avoid rubbing oil on the wet head.

 Warm the oil at night and gently massage it into the hair of the hair.  It is a deep sorrow to rub on the feet.  Everyone can try this.  Good results.


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